February 26, 2009
Dear Friends,
We need your help. Living Word Christian Store has been serving our community for over 8 1/2 years now. The past year has been difficult. Joanne and I believe we were called to open Living Word in Sarasota in 2000; and we believe it has become a vital part of our community and an extension of area churches, as well as being a ministry unto itself. The store provides books and supplies which help believers 1) grow in their walk with Christ, 2) become more encouraged to not give up the good fight of faith and 3) receive answers to worldly problems so as to be overcomers and not to be overcome.
The fact right now is that, we are the last independent Christian Bible and Book store in Sarasota. And, just like everyone else, our store is feeling the effect of these economically challenging times. If we do not receive support from area believers we may also be forced to close Living Word in the near future. Our community needs a Christian bookstore; and especially during unstable days ahead, people need God's answers not the world's answers.
The store needs your prayers and assistance in this matter. We need you to shop our store. We are not asking for anyone to shop more or spend more. We are only asking that when you intend to shop for a book, a Bible, music, video, gift or greeting card, etc., that you think of us first; especially before going online. A good share of what is spent locally stays locally; and we employ 22 locally. Almost nothing of what is spent online ever comes back to our community.
If you must shop online, go to Living Word online at www.golivingword.com.This is our website, and it has a complete catalog of Christian and church products. We have partnered with our Parable marketing group in supplying this online shopping for you. If you find a product elsewhere online for less, call us or bring in the evidence and we'll match anyone's price if at all possible. You are important to us. We need your "loyalty" and support to continue our ministry and to be here for you.
It has been a pleasure serving our community for the past 8 1/2 years. We thank all our supporters/customers very much for their partnership and look forward to serving the community years into the future.
In His Service,
Chuck & Joanne
Chuck & Joanne Broderick
P.S. Please feel free to respond to this email and tell us what you think. Help us to see if we are on target for serving you; and we welcome suggestions on how we can serve you better in the future.
I know that money is tight for everyone, but if you can Please stop by and support this place. We need it and more importantly our community needs it.
ReplyDeleteIf you are looking to buy a gift what could better than a bible for someone you care about.