Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mental sharpness comes from being around good people. And a meeting of the minds can help people see their ideas with new clarity, refine them, and shape them into brillant insights. This requires discussion partners who can challenge one another and stimulate thought - people who focus on the idea without involving their egos in the discussion; people who know how to attack the thought and not the thinker. Two friends who bring their ideas together can help each other become sharper.

This was written in the notes in my bible about Prov. 27:17, our moto. Thought it was worth sharing. Looking forward to a little 'sharpening' tonight with my friends.

Hope all have a great day and give God the glory for it.


  1. The most important thing about leaving the ego at the door has to do with providing an enviroment of truth. We are tought in the bible to speak the truth in love, if we are fearful of hurting a brother feeling how are we to speak the truth and in some cases hold them accountable?

    Zig Ziglar once said that a true friend will tell you the truth, and an acqaintence will tell you what you want to hear.

    Lastly, I feel that our responsiblity as brothers is to share from the heart and I feel that the Holy Spirt moves in us when we do, I have had a number of God moments when prayers have been aswered in the counsel of brothers.

    When egos get involved and feelings are hurt and resentment is created we are closing ourselves off to the Father. The bible has numerous references to being Humble and you can not be humble if your being led by your ego.

  2. IN reading Proverbs 19 today it states Pride ends in distruction: humility ends in honor.
