Monday, September 14, 2009

HATS ARE IN, please bring your money tomorrow night.


  1. BTW, I've got 4-5 extra so if you didn't get one ordered you can still get one. See ya tomorrow night.

  2. Charlie, where'd you get them? I suspect the Pinellas, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee Wildmen would like them too.

    Jan Broucinek

  3. I had them made by a company in Venice that has done work for me in the past. I'll try to take better pictures of the different color combos and can then email to anyone that would like to order some. Cost is 17.50 including tax. All have Prov. 27:17 on the back. We are also working on some Tervis Tumblers with the same logo inside, price and aval. yet to be determined. Should have that nailed down in another few weeks. I can be reached by email;
