Thursday, June 24, 2010

Value of a Brother


I have been traveling since last Friday and things have been rough, not sure how to explain it but this has been a tough trip. I have been praying but I felt that my prayers were not being heard, I just never had any peace and my back was really bothering me, the pain kept getting worse each day.

I called one of brothers and told him what was going on, actually we spoke about other stuff and then after we prayed I then opened up to him about what was going on and he gave me great counsel and then prayed for me again. Why is it that when we need help we are sometimes afraid to ask for it. I share this with you to encourage you that when you are hurting or lost do NOT be afraid to call a brother and ask for help or for him to pray for you.

What he told me after was that he was blessed because I asked him to pray for me and help me. The bible says that with many advisors plans will succceed and I think that also extends to this situation, with many brothers your life will be richly blessed.

I am in the Atlanta airport heading homme right now and look forward to seeing you all next week.


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