Thursday, July 1, 2010

Update from Cambodia

Hello Partners, Friends and Prayer Warriors

The smells and sights constantly remind us we are not in the US. There is a constant odor that is not like sweet flowers here.The dire life circumstances and life resources of the population are constantly before you. Cute little children at the army base last night with inadequate clothing, rashes and bug bites: You want to touch needs and yet the magnitude is overwhelming.
We continued with the officers today and they are making progress in their English. It is hard when even they argue over what a word in their own language means, it is not as precise as ours. I just have to remember when it comes time to eat, Bai (rice), that's safe. The challenge has been set to see which one of the team is going to eat a french -fried large spider or roach- whoa! They now have small snakes on a stick also french-fried and BBQ.

Three of us have had to discontinue taking the Malaria Medicine due to side effects of dizziness, reflux and great belching. I guess double dose "OFF" will have to work.

There was training for the facilitators of the Couples seminar this morning and back to the army camp. We leave in the morning (Friday 7:30 am here) for Sihinoukville a 5 hour bus ride southwest of here on the coast at the bay of Thailand, where the couples retreat will be. We will be there til Sunday and return that night to be here for Monday at the army base. The pace is very steady and it is hot.
After the classes last night the officers wanted to play badminton with us. It is a big sport here with the military. So it was a good bonding time with some accept the two my Cambodian partner and I beat. Just kidding, they were all good sports and mostly trounced us Americans.

We have had strategy meetings with the leadership here as to the future of priority targets here in the country. There is great building and growth taking place here with outside money from Korea, Germany, and others. New 30 story condo's are going up which only the elite could afford here. So there is going to be an influx of people into the country in the near term. How do we then target those who can have an impact spiritually on them?

There are things happening in the Philippines and other countries closeto here where God is doing some unique and significant things. I will share some of them when I get back with you. It is exciting to pray with these folks for God to raise up strategic believers to commit to be reproducers in the lives of others to change countries for Christ in the future.

The pack mule of the culture here is the five-horsepower motorbike, there are hundreds of thousands. At the few(maybe ten, in the city) street lights the only things that stop are a few of the cars. Red lights mean nothing to motorbikes.

From your man on the streets in Phnom Penh, I must go hit the rack. "Souk pela klow"- see you later

In His Service With You,


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