Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Praise and Pity

As we Wildmen where having discussions tonight in our small groups, one of the men in my group said an interesting thing. "Having been to many different men's bible studies and mens groups over a thirty year period at multiple churches, this is by far the most open, honest, and best discussion I have ever been to." WOW! The more I think about this the more I am amazed. My own walk with the Lord is fairly new so my perspective is not as broad as some, but I am priviledged to be a part of this Wildmen group and apparently don't know just how lucky I am. Is it the fact that we feel free to sit in our group and tell our brothers that we are sinners and not fear rejection, or the fact that we even talk honestly about the daily struggles of being a Godly man in this ever increasingly Godless world? I'm not sure but I welcome your thoughts as to why Wildmen is the best mens group some have ever experienced. On the other hand, why? What a conviction to so many other groups, churches, etc... all we do is what we are told to do in the bible; to meet regularly with fellow believers and to build each other up, to love each other. Wildmen is real life and real love. Is that really so special, I pray not. Look forward to your thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome to recognize a true blessing. Like many other things it does come with a price. I feel that we do have something so very special that it brings a huge threat to our enemy. Guard and protect yourselves because in this battle the "Wild-Men" are the "Machine-gunners" we have been targeted! We need to pick each other up constantly... Thank you!
