Friday, June 1, 2012


Before we all go, that is, into our weekends, and the myriad distractions even a day can hold, I wanted to let you know that the event is off to a good start and holy cow this must be an important one because the opposition has almost been ridiculous it is so blatant and bold. One of our team had their home broken into; many of the men had major obstacles/emergencies almost take them out; there’s been sabotage, sleep assault, accusation and blah blah blah I don’t want to give the enemy an ounce of my time. Just wanted to ask you to continue with us in prayer today and through the weekend. “Holy Spirit, we join with you – move us to pray and intercede; we give you permission to move us and remind us and join us together by the Spirit of God. Carry us, Holy Spirit, and make your mighty intercession through us. We worship Jesus Christ and we proclaim his Kingdom here over our lives, over Ransomed Heart, over each team member and their family, over these men now and this weekend’s event. We proclaim Jesus Christ Lord here, in every way, and we summon all the resources of heaven to fill and surround us and this event, in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. We announce the triumph of God here, through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Thanks gang! The prayer that I sent on Tuesday continues to be a good one to unite over. Bless you! John

1 comment:

  1. Thanks gang! The prayer that I sent on Tuesday continues to be a good one to unite over. Bless you! John
