Thursday, April 12, 2012

Promise keepers is back

A Monthly Newsletter From Promise Keepers - April 2012
Men’s conferences are back!
Orlando speaker line-up
Volunteer openings!
Promise Keeper’s Men’s Conferences are BACK!!

In 1991, Promise Keepers asked the question, “Where are the men?”

The increasing rates of fatherlessness, abuse, absenteeism from church, and overall male passivism in spiritual things prompted the organization at that time to call men together to worship Jesus Christ and to learn what a godly man is and how he thinks, lives, and relates to his Lord and others. As many of you remember, the impact of that call was dramatic in the lives of over a million men!

But the reality is that twenty-one years later, the burning question Promise Keepers asked back in 1991 MUST be asked again – but now with even more urgency! Where are the men of God?

We want to challenge you again men with the core of the Seven Promises:

Where are the men... who are unashamed of their love and personal faith in Jesus Christ?

Where are the men... who know the danger of isolation and want to be authentically connected with a few other brothers in Christ?

Where are the men... who are honest about their own battles and are pursuing lives of ethical, sexual, and moral integrity?

Where are the men... who champion their family through the biblical values of love, respect, honor, patience, sacrifice, and service?

Where are the men... who sacrificially serve others and advance the mission of their church?

Where are the men... who are passionate about unity in God’s Kingdom?

Where are the men... who boldly demonstrate and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

Men, will you be called out? Will you stand with your brothers? This year at Promise Keepers Conferences we are calling men out! You will be inspired through six power-packed messages by some of the nation’s leading Christian speakers that will help reignite your passion and define what it means to be a Man of God!

Brothers like Tony Evans, Mike Silva, Steve Farar, Brad Stine, Gary Rosberg, Reggie Dabbs, and Raleigh Washington, are joined by new voices like Peter Tebow, Greg Stier, and Derwin Gray, and awesome worship by leaders like Matt Maher, Lincoln Brewster, and Matthew West! To hear an declarative invitation from our CEO Raleigh Washington, and an explanation about where Promise Keepers has been and where we are going, please check this out:

We are coming to 5 cities in 2012 with this Called Out challenge -- see the list and links at left.

Brothers, NOW is the time to get on the stick and sign up! Group registrations available -- please check out:

If you want to see a Promise Keepers Men’s Event in 2013 to your city, we want to hear from you. There are some requirements to get it to happen, so check out our FAQ section at:

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