Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Hey Peter and Brothers Peter had asked the question about when do we start talking to our sons and even our daughters about sexual relations. I remember my surprise and feeling of loss for words when I discovered quite by accident my step son had been attempting to print pictures of naked men with naked men in intimated sexual poses. Because I had just gotten married to his mother, he had not been in my home but for a few weeks at the time. He had no previous exposure to a manly influence or biblical influence in his life. He was only 12 at the time. He is an example of the tragedy of the absence of a Godly man speaking to him from his youth about the relationships with God, with self, with other men, with other women. I believe we should start as early as we think they can understand a cartoon. The world is teaching them what Satin wants them to know. Our children are the prize of this WAR we are in. It is risky business. We expose them to sex as God intended or the world will expose them to it as Satin intended. As for my step son. I am sad to say we will have to pray for him. This world had his spirit in its grip too tightly, before I met him, for me to snatch him from it. Only God can use the seeds I planted. For now he is lost, and I had my heart torn loosing that battle for his heart and soul.

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