Thursday, October 21, 2010

Prayer Request

Prayer Team….….. I could really use some “air” coverage for my husband, John…..

John had a jaw implant procedure 10 days ago and started developing severe pain and discomfort…….we thought it was infected, but that is

not the case. After 7 days of severe pain that not even oxycodone is effecting…………and little to no sleep. John is distraught……..I am exhausted

caring for him ………..little to no sleep. After 1 trip to emergency room this past weekend and 3 doctor consults, he has been diagnosed with “Trigeminal Neuralgia”.

We have been told this is not easily controlled or cured. L Apparently the dental procedure disrupted this cranial nerve that runs down the right side of his face.

He has stabbing, hot poker, pain constantly in his eye socket, ear, and lower jaw. He has been out of work and is unable to return at this point because the pain is

so debilitating. I took him to an Acute Pain doctor today just to try to figure out how we can get him some relief…………the doctor admitted him to SMH.

The neurosurgeon has him comfortable w/dilaudid drip to see if the cranial nerve can be calmed with epileptic medications, if not the next step is a surgical procedure

where they can go in and cut the facial nerve, but it has high risks of facial paralysis/numbness.

Needless to say, this is very scary. I had John’s men’s bible study group come over last night to anoint and pray for him. He had another terrible night last night.

We would appreciate you and others praying for the Lord to relieve John of this condition, that the nerve is only “angry”, not damaged and that he would

work in John’s body to CALM the nerve. Also pray for the Lord to direct us to quality doctors that specialize in this condition.

We are crying out to the Father for provisions only He can provide………COMPLETE HEALING and COMFORT during the storm.

Thanks so much.

Wendy Gerhardt,

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