Thursday, April 9, 2009


Come hear Michael Rozelle teach on Deliverance. This is related both to the study we are doing with John Bevere and some of the recent postings by our brother and blogmaster, "Scuba" Dave.

Here is an excerpt from his website

Freed, Filled, and On Fire! - An Introduction to our Ministry

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 6:12)

Depression/ Loneliness/ Anxiety
Confusion/ Distraction/ Disorientation
Fear (Fear of Man, Failure, Death, etc.)
Guilt/ Shame/ Condemnation
Rejection/ Hurts/ Wounds
Anger/ Bitterness/ Unforgiveness
Hopelessness/ Despair/ Defeatism
Doubt/ Unbelief/ Distrust/ Worry
Lying/ Deception
Physical Sickness and/or Disease
Addictions: Work/ Food/ Gambling/ Alcohol/ Tobacco/ Drugs
Sex; Adultery; Fornication; Pornography; Sexual Abuse; Rape; Perversion;Lesbianism;Homosexuality; etc.
Wrath/ Rage/ Violent Temper
Sleep Deprivation/ Restlessness
Suicidal Thoughts and Inclinations
Hatred/ Resentment/ Murderous Thoughts
Jealousy/ Envy/ Strife/ Contention

Refuge Ranch Ministries specializes in showing people, just like you, how to be delivered from these and other areas of torment which the Bible refers to as "strongholds".

Be assured, that just as there is a God in Heaven who loves you and has a plan and purpose for your life, there is also an enemy of your soul, whose primary mission and goal is to destroy you—Body and Soul.

Satan works through these aforementioned areas to keep us in bondage (a spiritual prison), to keep us from being everything God created us to be, to keep us from being everything God created to give us to do, and to keep us from receiving everything God created to give us: Peace, Joy, Happiness, Fulfillment, Satisfaction, Purpose, Direction, Meaning in Life, Self-Worth, Value, Financial Stability, Healthy Relationships, Healthy Minds and Bodies, an Eternal Home with Him in Heaven.

The Lord has shown us four areas or "gateways" through which we give the enemy permission to enter into our lives to perform his work of destruction:
  • Unforgiveness or Bitterness towards those who have deeply hurt us, wounded us, offended us, deceived us, or stolen from us.
  • Soul Ties: any unhealthy relationship that is outside the prescribed will or plan of God (adultery, fornication, or any sexual activity outside of marriage; and unhealthy business deals or covenants)
  • The Occult: any activity or association with Ouija boards; tarot cards; crystal balls; palm reading; horoscopes; seances; yoga; TM; new age; demonic music, movies or books; spells; incantations; sorcery; telepathy; witchcraft; dungeons and dragons; etc. and any association with friends who are involved with these things.
  • Generational Curses (or the "sins of the fathers"): alcoholism, adultery, mental and physical sickness and disease; curses of the Masons and Indians, etc.

Refuge Ranch Ministries is focused on creating a safe place for our Saviour, Jesus Christ, with the power of the Holy Spirit, guided by the love of our Father in Heaven to minister to those in need. The ministry can and does involve all blessings that flow from the Cross of Christ: salvation, cleansing (including repentance and deliverance), in-filling (baptism, anointing and healing) by the Holy Spirit, and then learning the critical spiritual disciplines to walk in daily victory through Christ.

Jesus came to this Earth to "Set the captive free, and heal the broken hearted."

He is your deliverer - Not Us! When we are Humble, Honest, and Hungry (desperate), and we cry out to Him, He will begin the process of our Deliverance by His Love, Mercy, and Grace; His Power, Authority and Truth. The choice is simple: You can be free today, or you can remain a slave to sin and to satan.

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