Saturday, March 5, 2011


Dear Heavenly Father:
I need you and I know that many of my brothers do as well. We are under attack because we love you and want to serve you. Today I ask for you to bless my brothers and sisters and protect them where ever they are. You are an amazing God and your word touches our heart.
For all those children that are parentless and living in foster care or in orphanages across the country and the world I ask for a special blessing on them and that you will put people in their lives to help and teach them. They are your children and although their earthly parents have forsaken them we know that you never forsake them. Please bless them.
For all those people that are caring for them father God I ask in the name of your son Jesus Christ that you richly bless them and give them supernatural strength to love these children and care for them. It takes a special person to love them and I ask that you protect them. Send them an angel to camp around them and their families.
Thank you father for all that you have given us, but especially your son.

We love you,


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