Monday, May 3, 2010

From Chris Maddox after Boot Camp

Well, my personal attack came early on after shortly walking through the door. The Holy Spirit didn't grab my tongue as soon as I would have liked, but did bring correction and healing through an honest apology. Rest of the weekend went well, in fact awesome!

My wife had a Captivating Women's group in our home Saturday night; me and the dog were locked into the back bedroom for 3 hours. Dog peed on the floor as soon as door was opened, Oh well. She taught on the "Root of Bitterness" made by vows and agreements made when girls are young and hurt by their Mother's. After they all wrote their hurt and burned it (papers, with frankencise and myrhh). They said they flame made a swirl, then looked like a small funnel, and then a Tornado, and then shot into the air. Wow. I heard crying and then she gave them all the Prayer of Healing and started reciting it out loud. Awesome to hear women in unison praying and getting louder as their faith grew.

Brian and I taught on faith. I told everyone what if God starts talking to you and giving you direction be ready to relaease everything you are holding onto to follow it.

In Christ,

Chris Maddox

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